On the Collecting of Images
Another article has just appeared in On Landscape entitled On the Collecting of Images. It derived from reading a book by Mona Chollet (the current editor of Le Monde Diplomatique) about her passion for collecting and curating all sorts of digital images on PInterest. It also comments on some of the passionate collectors of photography, and on my own (very small) collection of work of other photographers that I admire, such as Michael Kenna, Fay Godwin, John Sexton, and Paul Kenny. I suggest that a collection does not have to be large to be personally important. Nor, with digital images, need it be expensive (I also note that in pre-digital days I also had copies of images I liked as photocopies). I also had a rule, in the days of film, of deciding whether an image might replace one that was already framed on the wall. If not, then perhaps it was better to save the film for another time, although there is also the value of images as collections of visual memories, especially when those images are taken at classic locations (some examples from my own collection are included.