All photographs are ambiguous.
All photographs have been taken out of a continuity…..Even a pure landscape
breaks a continuity: that of the light and the weather. Discontinuity always produces ambiguity
John Berger, in Ways of Telling
The Still Dynamic is a book of images of water and the marks of past water that was published in 2021. It was the first book to be published by the Mallerstang Magic Press as a limited edition of 100 signed copies and has 112 pages with 94 images in a 20 x 25cm format. These have all now been sold but it can be downloaded in an electronic book version as a PDF for £10. All profits from the sales will be donated to the charity WaterAid.
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From the cover text:
Keith Beven has worked as a hydrologist at Lancaster University for more than 35 years. In his academic research he has developed ways of trying to imitate water and landscape dynamics by means of computer simulations but one of the fascinating aspects of this as a research area is the sheer impossibility of capturing the wonderful natural dynamics of water flows without ambiguity by approximate mathematical means. This naturally led to an interest in the uncertainty of hydrological predictions. Parallel to this academic research, he has maintained an interest in making images of water and the effects of water. Some of the results of that interest are collected in this volume of photos of surface reflections and skypools, surface caustics and caustic sheets, frozen waters, water waves,waterfalls and the marks of past water.
The photographer and image maker Paul Kenny has provided a foreword for the book.
A sample of images from The Still Dynamic