Panta Rhei (Everything Flows) – A second book of water images

“We get into the same river and yet not into the same river, we are and we are not [the same]”
Following the success of my first book of water images, The Still Dynamic, which sold out rather quickly in its limited edition print last year (it is still available to download as a pdf from the mallerstangmagic shop), I am hoping that the market will bear another one for WaterAid – this time of mostly more recent pictures from some of my favourite places in the UK and Switzerland including, of course, the Mallerstang Valley in Cumbria.
For the title of the book I have borrowed the Greek phrase Panta Rhei, translated as Everything Flows. This is an aphorism that is often used as a short summary of the concepts of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus but here serves as an homage to the International Association of Hydrological Sciences which has its centenary in 2022, and which for the last decade has had a programme of research with the same name dealing with the multifaceted interactions between hydrology and society.
The book has much the same format as before (20x25cm portrait, 114p, 94 images, with 170g silk paper, and dust jacket) but this time will be an unnumbered edition. As with the first volume, all the profits will be donated to the charity WaterAid that does great work in trying to improve the supply of drinking water and the treatment of waste waters in developing countries.
Panta Rhei is available now. It can be ordered at the Shop
A sample of images from Panta Rhei